

研究生是攻读硕士、博士、法律或医学学位的人. 度包括:

  • 硕士 (M.Ed., MA, MS, MST, MAT, MFA, MSN, MSW, MPA, MNM, MAC, MTX)
  • 专家 (Ed.S)
  • 专业 (医学、法律)
  • 博士学位 (Ed.D.,博士,DNP)


如果您是经济援助接受者,并且您已经获得了包括学费减免在内的助学金职位,请尽快通知学生经济援助办公室, stipend or other external fund or scholarship. 这些资金被认为是资源,可能会影响你获得其他类型援助的资格, 比如贷款. To report these types of offers, please contact your financial aid counselor.



Critical Steps for Timely Disbursement

  1. 申请经济资助 早期 by submitting the FAFSA

    完成 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the first step in the financial aid process. Use it to 应用 for federal student financial aid, such as Direct Unsubsidized loans and Federal Work Study. If you are transferring in the SPRING or SUMMER terms, 确保您回到您的FAFSA并将FAU作为学校之一添加到您的学校选择中(在“学校信息”下)。. (在填写FAFSA时,请确保点击“FSA ID”链接创建一个FSA ID——一个用户名和密码,它已经取代了联邦学生援助Pin,必须用于登录某些美国联邦大学.S. 教育署网站[创建FSA ID].)


    • 001481 -博卡拉顿校区

    Complete the FAFSA online to be eligible for most forms of aid. 如果你不能完成FAFSA由于情有可原的情况,请联系财政援助办公室. 视图 “Contact” link at the top of this page.

    注意:学生必须被太阳城在线娱乐录取进入学位课程,才有资格获得大多数形式的经济援助(如助学金), 贷款及勤工俭学).

  2. 申请奖学金

    有很多奖学金可以帮助学生支付大学学费. It just takes time and patience to read through each scholarship. Apply for those scholarships in which you are meeting the criteria. Be sure to keep in mind the application deadline date of each scholarship when 应用ing.

    查看我们的数据库 奖学金, 其中包括FAU的特定奖学金以及其他实体的各种成就奖学金.

    没有必要支付搜索服务为你找到奖学金,因为有丰富的信息可用 免费 在很多网站上.

    FAU奖学金在秋季/春季学期开始之前提供. 请确保在每个奖学金截止日期之前提交奖学金申请和其他文件. Most scholarships are not available during summer semesters.

  3. 估算成本

    检查 净价计算器 to estimate your cost of attendance – including tuition, 所需的费用, 书, 供应, 房间, board (meals) and other related expenses.

    For those 学生 who have been accepted to FAU and received financial aid offers, the 财政援助支出估算 工具会根据你在FAU的入学情况和当时的经济援助提供状况,为你提供可能支付的经济援助的估计. This tool is available on 能力自助服务 under 金融援助.

    有各种各样的 提供投影估计师 that will give estimates on college costs.

  4. 完成所有学生要求

    在提交并满足所有要求的文件之前,学生将不会收到经济援助. 学生将在他们的FAU电子邮件帐户中收到一封电子邮件,以查看这些要求,或者学生可以通过FAU自助服务在线查看学生要求,以确保您没有任何不满意的要求:

    STEP 1: Access 金融援助 section of 能力自助服务 via MYFAU


    1. 签署 MYFAU 用太阳城在线娱乐FAU证书
    2. 点击/轻按“钱的问题!“瓦
    3. 点击/轻按“太阳城在线娱乐经济援助“瓦 to go directly to 金融援助 within 能力自助服务


    1. 签署 MYFAU 用太阳城在线娱乐FAU证书
    2. 点击/轻按“能力自助服务,以访问FAU自助服务
    3. 点击/轻按“金融援助" tab to access 金融援助 within Self-Service

    STEP 2: Reviewing requirements within 能力自助服务

    1. 点击/轻按“财政援助状况“瓦
    2. 如果出现提示,选择“学年下拉列表中
    3. 点击/轻按“学生的需求”链接

    If you have been selected for Verification by the U.S. Department of Education or the FAU Office of Student 金融援助, you will need to submit the Verification Worksheet and/or other documents ASAP, to avoid further delays in the offer process. 了解更多有关 验证过程.

  5. 接受太阳城在线娱乐经济援助邀请


    经济援助方案将基于全日制入学(本科= 12+学时), 研究生= 9+学时). Most financial aid offers will be prorated down if you are enrolled less than full-time. 大多数经济援助要求学生至少注册6个学分.

    You may accept all or a portion, or completely decline student loans. Private loans require application to the lender of your choice. Click on each fund name to read messages regarding each fund. To accept or decline your financial aid offer:


  6. 完成入学辅导

    (Only complete if student is accepting a 直接贷款 for the first time)

    如果你接受或要求贷款, 您将收到一封电子邮件到您的FAU电子邮件帐户,指导您完成20-30分钟的在线教程,该教程旨在教育您作为贷款借款人的权利和责任. Upon completion, print the confirmation page for your records. 如果你是第一次借债, your student loans will not disburse until the Entrance Counseling is complete. 登录到 热门产品.政府 to complete and satisfy this requirement. After completing the Entrance Counseling, FAU将在3-5个工作日内收到您的电子提交,并将此要求更新为 满意太阳城在线娱乐经济援助账户上.

  7. E-Sign your Master Promissory Note (MPN)

    (Only complete if student is accepting a 直接贷款 at FAU for the first time)

    If you accepted or requested a Federal William D. 福特 直接贷款 or 加上贷款, 您将通过FAU的电子邮件收到一封电子邮件,指示您签署主本票(MPN)。. This serves as your loan agreement contract. 访问 热门产品.政府 to complete and electronically sign your MPN. 完成MPN后, FAU将在3-5个工作日内收到您的电子提交,并在您的经济援助账户上更新此要求.

    如果您已要求 私人贷款 with a private lender you will need to sign an MPN with your chosen lender. Contact the lender or 参观ir website for more information.

  8. Step 8: Sign up for Direct Deposit Online

    Direct deposit is a fast, safe and convenient way to receive your financial aid refunds. 很容易! Students sign up online with your existing bank account! 欲知更多有关 网上直接存款表格及常见问题解答. 视图 支付信息.

  9. 需要钱买书?

    学生有两种选择 协助购买教材 before the disbursement of financial aid include:

  10. Submit the 必修课程入学测验

    Students will be required to complete the 必修课程入学测验 所有已登记的班级. 根据联邦法规, 如果学校无法记录学生在每个班级的出勤情况,则认为学生没有开始出勤. The quiz must be completed for each course in order for financial aid to disburse.

    In addition to completing the 必修课程入学测验, 学生必须通过在课程中展示有记录的学术活动来保持获得第四章资助的资格. Examples of valid forms of documented activity include faculty attendance rosters, 分级作业, 小测验, 或者考试. 学生应该意识到,他们可能需要偿还为他们没有学术活动记录的课程支付的任何援助, even if the 必修课程入学测验 was completed.

  11. 消息灵通

    确保你已经阅读了 条款 & 要约条件. 概述这些条款是为了让您了解经济援助如何影响您有资格获得的金额.

    邮件通知 将是学生和学生经济援助办公室之间沟通的主要方式. It is the responsibility of the 学生 to frequently monitor their FAU电子邮件帐户 for notifications sent from this Office. 定期检查太阳城在线娱乐状态、学生要求和经济援助机会对你有好处. Offers may be modified if this Office receives updated information.

    学生必须坚持 政策和规章制度 set forth by the Office of Student 金融援助. 点击查看更多相关信息 政策.

    Keep your information up-to-date with the 注册处 (i.e. 电话号码、通讯地址等.).


金融援助 is based on actual enrollment. 你有责任了解所有经济援助的条款和条件, including all requirements regarding tuition deferment and aid disbursement. The credits below are based upon both FALL and SPRING semesters.

FULL TIME ENROLLMENT = 9 or more credits
3/4入学时间= 7 - 8学分
1/2次入组= 4.5 - 6学分

  • 研究生申请经济资助的程序与本科生相同. 提交太阳城在线娱乐 FAFSA 早期! The FAU priority deadline is January 1st each year.
  • Graduate 学生 may be eligible for Federal Work Study, 直接无补贴贷款, 联邦毕业生附加贷款, 奖学金, 和助教奖学金. 研究生没有资格获得某些补助金,例如PELL, SEOG和FSAG补助金. 建议学生调查上述选择,以支付他们的教育费用.
  • 研究生可能有资格获得基于需求的太阳城在线娱乐研究生助学金(FAUGG),通过申请援助 FAFSA. Funds are limited and offered based on the availability of funds, so 早期 completion of the FAFSA is encouraged.
  • For more information on these opportunities, contact your department or the 复旦大学研究生院办公室.
  • 查看更多信息 奖学金 & 经济援助.

For more information on enrollment criteria for SUMMER, please 参观 暑期助学金 网页.


If you need money for graduate school, look no further. FastWeb is the leading Internet scholarship search!获取更多详细信息和主题:

  • 奖学金
  • 关于研究生院
  • 控制太阳城在线娱乐学生财务状况
  • 来自专家的经济援助建议