

FIT: having the requisite qualities or skills to undertake something competently



FIT: having the requisite qualities or skills to undertake something competently





作为我们对你成功承诺的一部分, we provide engaging educational tutorials to help you with your transition to college. Areas that may present challenges revolve around 物质使用, and your personal health and safety. 另外, Financial literacy and career preparation are areas that require attention early on in your college career. 我们很高兴地向您介绍健康的第一年学生成功, 我们的在线教育项目, 帮助你在大学里更仔细地审视这些问题. 

As a member of the FAU community you are expected to complete the career readiness, 物质使用, 性侵犯预防, 被欺侮的预防, 心理健康, 以及金融知识在线培训, Failure to do so may affect your ability to register for classes next semester. 

The 第一年 for Student Success tutorial consists of the following modules:


The objectives of the training are to help reduce the stigma surrounding 心理健康 and promote conversations about well-being,  引入应对挑战的策略, 包括自我管理, 维护自己的权利, 建立一个支持系统, 授权学生在危机情况下支持同伴, 并将学生与校园支持和当地资源联系起来


作为大学酒精教育项目的一部分, incoming first-year 学生 and transfer 学生 are required to complete an online, 无主见的酒精教育模块. 大学酒精教育 uses science-based research to educate about alcohol and its effects. 不管你喝不喝, the training will provide information to help you make informed decisions about alcohol as well as negotiate the drinking behavior of your peers. 记住,你提供的所有信息都是保密的.

该模块由两部分组成, 这两项都必须完成才能满足这一要求. 一旦您完成了第1部分, you will receive a notification email 30 days later that it is time to take Part 2; it will not be accessible before that time.


FAU is committed to promoting a safe environment for all 学生, faculty, and staff. 除了强大的大学警察部门, 移动Owl Ready个人安全应用程序, and numerous prevention programs and services on campus to inform and protect you, we also provide the 性侵犯预防 program covering the importance of values, (不)健康关系的各个方面, 性别社会化, 性侵犯, 同意, 旁观者干预, 以及持续的激进主义. Interactive exercises take 学生 through real-world scenarios and encourage 学生 to challenge sexist language and attitudes, 为支持遭受伤害的人提供指导, and promote healthy relationships based on positive communication and respect—empowering 学生 to create safe, 健康的校园环境.

美国.S. federal government mandates that our University complies with the educational requirements relating to sexual misconduct in Title IX and the Clery Act so that you understand the State of Florida definitions of these crimes, 旁观者干预, 降低风险的技术, 加上附加信息.

The training consists of a two-part module: Part 1 takes about 45 to 60 minutes and Part 2 takes about 15 minutes on average to complete. You will receive a notification email 30 days after completing Part 1 letting you know that it is time to take Part 2; it will not be accessible before that time. Both parts of the module need to be completed in order to satisfy this federal mandate. Keep in mind that you can save the training as you go so you can stop and start the training as you need to. 这个模块包含了很多重要的信息, so please take your time and learn all you can for your own safety and that of your current and future friends.

The Campus SaVE Act (CS) registration hold is placed on your student record when you enroll. 你可以注册本学期的课程. 这个暂停会阻止你注册下一学期的课程. Holds are removed during the hour following the completion of Part 1.


关于大麻的信息变化很快. That’s why Florida Atlantic has added a 大麻 awareness training to reflect the most recent research available about its use.  The module offers information to help 学生 make informed decisions about 大麻 use or non-use, 包括如何知道某人的用法何时有问题. 另外, the training covers the impact of 大麻 on brain development and function, 电子烟中的四氢大麻酚含量, CBD与. 大麻, 对大麻使用的误解, and different types of addiction in relation to the risk of using 大麻.

该模块由两部分组成, 这两项都必须完成才能满足这一要求. 一旦您完成了第1部分, you will receive a notification email 30 days later that it is time to take Part 2; it will not be accessible before that time.

预防欺侮101 -大学版:

欺侮是一个严重的问题,会造成长期的影响, 从身体上, 和心理上. 防止欺侮是每个人的责任. The 预防欺侮101™ training teaches 学生 how to recognize, prevent and report hazing. 真实的场景让学生做好准备, 让旁观者做出明智的决定, 最终使他们能够防止欺侮. 

开球 Y 我们的未来

The 开球 Y我们的未来 Canvas training module is designed to give FAU 学生 a great foundation to build toward their futures. 在本课程中,学生将发现许多好处,包括:

  • 了解他们的个人价值观, 利益, 技能以及这些技能与专业和职业的关系.
  • 对学术的理解 & 职业准备技能要求.
  • 对就业机会的认识提高 & 每个专业的工资前景.
  • An understanding of all the critical career readiness resources at the FAU Career Center.

根据佛罗里达州众议院1261号法案的要求, a hold will be placed on a student’s account after the drop/add period of a student's first semester if the 开球 Y我们的未来 requirements have not been met. This hold will prevent the student from registering for the next semester’s courses. Once the requirements have been met, the hold will be removed automatically. The Career Center does not have the ability to lift this hold for 学生. 取消:避免放置或取消一个控制, 学生必须完成启动太阳城在线娱乐未来画布模块


CashCourse is a financial wellness online platform that offers comprehensive self-paced modules to develop knowledge in budgeting, 储蓄, 投资, 还有更多!

Completion of all seven modules takes approximately six to eight hours; thus, we strongly encourage you to not delay in fulfilling this requirement. We believe that you will find the information presented through this online educational program to be helpful in your transition to and success as a student at FAU.