
The 同侪导师计划 is designed to help guide undergraduate 学生 who are interested in pursuing research and inquiry, 通过提供学生导师. Each summer, 10 peer mentors are selected and are active mentors/researchers for one year. These 学生 will be representatives of all disciplines, colleges, and partner campuses.

同伴导师 serve as ambassadors for the 本科生研究和调查办公室. These 学生 are active researchers who assist their peers in getting involved in research and inquiry by mentoring, 举办研讨会, 做课堂报告, 以及其他活动. 同侪导师与学生密切合作 奖学金和调查委员会 (CSI)来支持这一倡议. If you are interested in getting involved in research please contact one of our current 同伴导师 了解更多有关如何参与的信息!



Deadline to 应用 is the last Friday in May, annually.


  1. 在大学有良好的学术成绩
  2. Have a minimum of one semester of DIS/DIR or other documented research experiences completed before 应用ing (preference will be given to those applicants with more than one semester of documented research)
  3. Commit to a one-year agreement as a Peer Mentor (Summer through Summer)
  4. Commit to active participation in the student club, 奖学金及调查委员会(CSI)
  5. Commit to continue research in the academic year as an active peer mentor


Depending on the strengths and interests of peer mentors, 职责包括, 但不限于以下内容:

  • Mentoring undergraduate 学生 interested in engaging in research and inquiry
    • 办公时间
  • 学生专业发展
    • “Meeting of the Minds”: a series of events co-hosted by CSI targeting different colleges to expose 学生 to the research being conducted by faculty within the college
    • “How to…” series: a series of workshops developed to assist undergraduates to get involved in research and scholarly activities including ethics, 提出一个研究问题, 还有更多!
  • 外展
    • 方向
    • 课堂演讲
    • 搁置事件
  • Coordinating, organizing, and actively participating in OURI-Sponsored events
    • OURI夏日静修
    • 本科生研究研讨会
    • CSI活动和月度会议
  • Attend 80% of the bi-weekly meetings to organize various events


Selected 同伴导师 will have the option to enroll in the zero-credit internship course IDS 3949 that is coordinated through the FAU Career Center. Students will receive a transcript notation for the internship without paying tuition or fees. Undergraduate and graduate 同伴导师 are encouraged to enroll. This will be further discussed at the first Peer Mentor meeting of the semester. 本课程的核心要求包括:

  • 在FAU至少修完一个学期
  • 每学期至少在OURI工作60个小时
  • 完成期中和期末评估

If you have any questions regarding this course please contact intern@bj7dian.com.


Selected 同伴导师 will be awarded a $600 ($300 in December, $300 in May) student stipend. In order to have funds dispersed 同伴导师 must have completed the following:

  • 参加每学期80%的会议
  • 30 hours of peer mentoring or other related activities (hosted OURI workshops, classroom presentations; and coordinated, 有组织的, and actively participated in at least two OURI events each semester)
  • Participated in the annual 本科生研究研讨会 (Spring semester)


  1. 申请截止日期:每年五月的最后一个星期五
  2. 采访:6月
  3. 录取通知:7月
  4. 团队建设活动/会议:7月底
  5. 每年夏季静修:八月初
  6. 会议将于八月开始


If you would like to 应用 to become a Peer Mentor with the 本科生研究和调查办公室 please complete the list below and email all application materials or questions to OURI: ouri@bj7dian.com

Please review OURI's policy on use of generative AI in submissions and peer-review prior to 应用ing.

  1. 导航到OURI 调查猴子申请
  2. Answer Required 资格 Questions (under Tasks) by clicking "Start". You must agree to ALL eligibility questions before the Peer Mentor Application will show up under your programs.
  3. 找到您符合资格的OURI计划(i).e. the 同侪导师计划) by clicking "view programs". If the 同侪导师计划 application does not show up on your program list, please review your eligibility form: you must agree to ALL eligibility questions before the Peer Mentor Application will show up under your programs.
  4. Once you find the 同侪导师计划, click "Apply Now" to the right of your screen
  5. Complete all sections of the online application and be prepared to:
    1. 上传并附上当前的简历或简历
    2. Provide a letter of recommendation from your faculty research mentor
    3. 上传太阳城在线娱乐秋季课程表
  6. 为面试做准备

**If you have any questions, or difficulty completing your online application please email** alexismiller@bj7dian.com

This application was adapted from the University of Central Florida's Office of Undergraduate Research.

This program is part of our University’s efforts to expand the culture of undergraduate research and inquiry at FAU.