Frequently Asked Questions

Who needs an FAU Parking Permit?
Everyone!   All students, faculty, staff, vendors, 任何在学校停车的人都必须有停车贴. 游客可以在停车计时器处停车,也可以使用ParkMobile应用程序.    
Is there a grace period for getting my permit?
During the Fall semester only, 在开学第一周的停车/加车期间,没有许可证的学生将不会在蓝色和绿色的停车场停车.  During this period all other violations are enforced, 包括但不限于在指定区域外停车, parking in no parking zones, parking in reserved space, parking on the grass, or hazardous parking. Parking regulations are enforced all other times, including spring break, intersession, and summer semesters.  Click here to review FAU Parking Rules, Policies, & Procedures.
What are the hours of enforcement?
所有罚单的付款必须在罚单发出后的第14个日历日内到停车和交通服务办公室.  However, 车辆不得违章停放,并可能继续因违章被罚.

Student & Faculty/Staff do not recieve late fees

一旦收到引用,它将被转移到您的MYFAU帐户. 请等待24-48小时后才能看到张贴在您帐户上的引文.

In order to pay your citation, go to "Pay Citation" on the Parking & Transportation website.

If you decide to Appeal the Citation issued, 自发出传票之日起,你有14天的上诉时间.
How do I appeal a citation? How do I pay for a citation?

How to File an Appeal ( VISITOR ONLY)

1. Click on the link found below. Per the instructions, you will need to create an account. 点击“创建一个”,你会发现它以黄色突出显示.

2. 在你提交太阳城在线娱乐“登录”信息后,系统会把你带回到申诉页面,你现在需要输入太阳城在线娱乐用户名和密码.

3. 从这里你将填写所有的申诉信息.

提交的申诉结果将以您首选的方式(邮寄或电子邮件)发送。. On average, it takes about two weeks to get a response. 当太阳城在线娱乐引文处于上诉状态时,引文将被搁置,这样你就不会累积任何滞纳金. If the appeal is denied, 自收到回复之日起,你有14天的时间提出第二次上诉或在缴纳滞纳金之前支付传票.

Visitors click here to pay or appeal a citation.

How to File an Appeal (STUDENT & FACULTY/STAFF ONLY)

1.  Go to  Parking & Transportation Website.

2.  Click on "FAU Parking Login".

3. 将鼠标悬停在菜单栏中的“引文”上,然后单击菜单中的“上诉引文”.

4. Fill out the information completely and accurately.

提交的申诉结果将发送到您的FAU电子邮件. On average, it takes about two weeks to get a response. 当太阳城在线娱乐引文处于上诉状态时,引文将被搁置,这样你就不会累积任何滞纳金. If the appeal is denied, 自收到回复之日起,你有14天的时间提出第二次上诉或在缴纳滞纳金之前支付传票.

There are many ways that you may pay for your citation. Anyone may come into the   Office of Parking & Transportation   to pay a citation.  We accept credit cards.  You also have the option of sending a  check by mail.  We do not accept payments over the phone.  对于学生:如果您需要立即从您的帐户中解除持有,那么您需要通过您的学生帐户付款.  任何通过停车和交通服务办公室亲自或在线支付的罚单在取消之前有48小时的等待期.


Click  "Pay Citation"  on the Parking & Transportation Website in order to pay a citation.

Who can park at a parking meter?
任何没有有效的FAU停车许可证的人都可以停车并按计价器付费. 任何有停车许可证的人都禁止使用一次性计时器或计价器.   点击这里了解更多关于仪表和计量地段的信息. 
Where do visitors park and how much is it?
游客可以在校园内的任何一个停车计时器停车,也可以使用ParkMobile应用程序. Click here for more information on visitor parking.  
我因为在沃卢西亚街逆行停车而收到罚单. Where is that written?
在车流中逆行停车是危险的,也是不安全的  Florida State Statute 316.195   . 沃卢西亚街两侧也张贴了提醒牌. 
What is the Transportation Access Fee?
The transportation Access Fee is a mandatory, non-refundable fee that all students, whether part-time, day or evening, online, or members of the Lifelong Learning Society, 是否需要在注册时支付每学期的学费.  这笔费用支持大学的交通基础设施,并增加学生获得交通服务的机会.  每位注册学生一经申请,将获发停车许可证.  所有学生,包括使用其他交通工具的学生,都要支付交通使用费.

What are the Parking Rules?
Please  click here  for a list of the rules and the parking regulations page.
I will temporarily be driving a borrowed or rented vehicle. What should I do?

有效许可证持有人每份电子许可证最多可携带两(2)辆车辆, 但请注意,在校园内一次只能停放一辆车.

要将车辆添加到您的许可证中,请登录停车门户网站  "FAU Parking Login".

In order to learn how to add a temporary vehicle, please watch the Add a vehicle video on our Parking & Transportation Website. 请确保在您返回临时车辆后将其从您的帐户中删除. 如果没有,车辆产生的任何引用将发送到您的帐户.

泊车署会公布我们的重要资讯 announcements page or on our home page .
我的车在事故中被毁了,或者我换了车. How do I get a replacement permit?
Please log into the parking portal at FAU Parking Login 将太阳城在线娱乐旧车辆从电子许可证中移除,并换上新车辆. 另外,请观看我们关于如何将新车辆添加到电子许可证的视频. 要删除车辆,只需在您的帐户中单击车辆上的“删除”即可.
How do I get a motorcycle permit?
欲取得电单车电子许可证,请联络停车场 & Transportation office.


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