
The 公共事务司 is officially designated by the Office of the President as the University’s liaison with press outlets and is responsible for planning and coordinating the University’s media efforts.

  1. 能力希望对媒体保持开放的态度. 
    1. Personnel in all departments and areas should feel free to respond to questions posed by the media concerning their departments or areas of expertise. 如果他们担心与媒体交谈或制定回应, 他们应该联系媒体关系部寻求帮助.
    2. Questions raised by the press about an area other than the one an employee represents or about the University in general should be referred to 媒体关系.
    3. In order to avoid confusion or duplication of effort and to assist the University in building strong relationships with the press, we request employees notify 媒体关系 of contacts with or interviews by media representatives. 

  2. 向媒体发布信息的适当程序是通过媒体关系, 媒体代表的官方信息来源. (NOTE: The release of information as related to public information requests is covered in Section G of this policy). 
    1. All news releases are issued by 媒体关系, unless a special arrangement has been made.
    2. The release of information about University athletic programs and athletes is the responsibility of the sports information director.

  3. 媒体关系 makes the final decision regarding the newsworthiness of a potential story and can assist other departments with discussion on how to make a story more attractive to the press so that it may obtain the greatest amount of news coverage.

  4. 当新闻界正式要求大学提供资料时, 媒体关系部将联系大学成员以回应该请求. 

  5. 在接受媒体采访时, 媒体关系 will contact the communications officer for the particular college or unit involved, or, 在没有通信联系人的情况下, 选定的教员或职员. 我们强烈建议教职员工同意接受面试, as they have the expertise to provide valuable information for the press while raising 能力’s profile in the news media. 

  6. 如果媒体人员在校园内被发现, 应联系媒体关系部门,让工作人员协助个人.

  7. 能力, 作为一所公立大学, has a responsibility to be open and responsive to information requests from the public and the press. 大学致力于开放、诚实和合作的政策. 能力遵守国家关于公共记录的规定, 哪些定义了媒体和其他人合法获取信息的参数.
    1. 如果收到新闻界的公开信息要求, contact Public Affairs as soon as possible to begin the process of replying to that request in a timely manner. 
    2. Public Affairs will work with the General Counsel’s office to ensure that state regulations are followed in responding to all public information requests. 

  8. Official University social media sites may be developed to provide detailed and personalized information on a specific unit’s programs and activities and to foster interaction among interested parties. 有关更多信息,请参阅社交媒体策略和最佳实践文档. 
    1. 没有关于大学或其学生的机密或专有信息, 教师, 员工或校友应在社交媒体网站上发布. Employees who share confidential information do so at the risk of disciplinary action or termination.
    2. 所有适用法律, 必须严格遵守学校的规章制度和政策, 包括但不限于, 与版权和知识产权有关的, 员工或学生行为, 大学资源的使用, 资料及数据, 学生的隐私, 以及NCAA的规章制度.
    3. The following disclaimer should be added to all University sites: “Please note that content shared or posted may be subject to Florida’s 公共记录 Law.”
    4. 永久连结至大学官方网站(www.能力.edu)必须包含在所有大学网站上.
    5. 没有任何一个单位的社交媒体网站可以代表整个大学. Consider this when naming pages and accounts and selecting profile pictures or icons that it clearly specifies the University unit being represented.
    6. University units that have one or more social media pages or would like to start one should contact Public Affairs or the communications officer assigned to that division or college.
    7. 代表大学单位的社交媒体网站应保持最新状态. 不保持最新的网站可能会被停用.
    8. 大学名称, logo or trademarks may not be used on personal social media pages or sites or to endorse a product or support a cause, 政治或其他方面. 

  9. 当媒体代表与记者接触时,应遵循以下准则:
    1. 如果问题与你自己的专业领域有关,你应该随时回应. 应及时答复媒体的询问. It is best practice to ask a reporter what their deadline is and work to respond before that time. 作为一种礼貌,确保沟通成功, the responder or appropriate department head should notify 媒体关系 about the conversation.
    2. 如果有人对不知情的事情提出疑问, 陈述是可以接受的, “我不知道, 但是会有人回复你关于那个问题的,,然后联系媒体关系部,让记者找到最了解情况的消息来源.
    3. Issues of a sensitive nature might best be answered with a statement prepared in cooperation with Public Affairs. 联系公共事务,讨论在这种情况下的选择.
    4. 当记者与你联系时,你应该注意:
      i. 任何话都可以引用
      ii. 当意外接到电话时,可以要求有时间准备回应. 
      3. 如果事先被要求参加面试, one should ask what questions he/she will be expected to answer or what topic is expected to be discussed. 

  1. 当个人或部门希望向媒体发布信息时, the proper procedure is to do so through the appropriate communications officer or the 公共事务司. 注意,有各种各样的工具可以用来与媒体沟通. 这些工具的例子包括新闻稿, 媒体咨询, 日历发布或事件后发布. Plans for publicizing events should include contacting Public Affairs at least three weeks in advance. Public Affairs strongly encourages all 教师 and staff to contact their communications officer or 媒体关系 with ideas for possible stories that can be shared with the press. 
  2. 公共事务司应在安排新闻发布会方面发挥主导作用, 包括决定是否有必要召开新闻发布会. This will help ensure that the press is contacted and that the time and place of the news conference will encourage the best possible news coverage.
  3. 在紧急情况下,联系太阳城在线娱乐主管和公共事务部. 如果媒体感兴趣, 管理员, 反过来, 是否通知负责公共事务的副总裁或其代表. 
    1. 所有官方声明, announcements or interviews relating to the emergency will be coordinated through 媒体关系. 将指定一个人作为媒体询问的发言人. 其他工作将根据危机沟通计划的指示进行协调.
  4. The 公共事务司 is available to assist in the creation of letters to the editor or op/ed pieces, 如果需要这样的帮助. 
  5. 媒体关系 has created an 专家数据库 that serves as a source for the press and community at large to search for 能力 experts by either name or subject area. 要查看专家数据库,请访问 www.能力.edu/experts.