Students and Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

Students' Rights

根据1973年《太阳城娱乐城》第504条和2008年《太阳城在线娱乐》,残疾大学生有权获得适当的便利. Student Accessibility Services counselors, along with input from the student, make decisions regarding the nature of the academic accommodations. If a student feels as though he or she has been wrongly denied an accommodation or otherwise discriminated against, based on their disability, they may file a complaint with the Office of Equity, Inclusion and Compliance on the FAU campus.


Students' Responsibilities

Individuals must be accepted FAU students to receive services through SAS. Self identification and registration with SAS is the student’s option and is not mandatory; however, in order to ensure receiving authorized academic accommodations due to a disability from FAU, the student must register with SAS.

In order to complete SAS registration process, 残疾学生有责任自我报告残疾的功能限制,以及有效的先前住宿,并向SAS提供由该领域有执照的专业人员提供的有关具体诊断和预期学术限制的适当书面文件, and attend an intake interview with an SAS counselor. If SAS determines that the self-report or presented documentation is out-dated, incomplete, or vague, 学生有责任提供额外的文件,适当地证明当前存在的残疾.

It is the student’s responsibility to submit the "SAS Semester Request for Services" form, "Testing Accommodations Form," "Notetaker Request Form", 以及任何其他适当的表格,每学期及时提交给SAS,以保证适当的住宿.   It is the student’s responsibility to utilize authorized accommodations responsibly and keep in close contact with SAS personnel. The student is not required to utilize an accommodation authorized by SAS; however, the student is responsible for keeping SAS personnel advised of any major changes involving an accommodation.


Faculty Members' Rights and Responsibilities

教职员工有权通过学生提交的SAS通知信了解学生的住宿需求. The faculty member has the responsibility to respond to a student's request for an accommodation due to a disability. When a request for an accommodation is received, 教职员应要求核实残疾,将学生转介给SAS以获得通知信. The accommodations may be handled by the faculty member or through SAS. In any case, the accommodations must not compromise course content or the requirements for satisfactory course completion.  只要教授和学生都能接受,教授可以同意加强SAS授权的住宿.

Disability Law and Higher Education



Rehabilitation  Act of 1973

第504条旨在消除在接受联邦财政援助的任何项目或活动中基于残疾的歧视. It provides that no qualified individual with a disability will, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in, 在接受联邦财政援助或受益的任何项目或活动中,被剥夺福利或受到歧视. The fundamental principle of Section 504 is "Program Accessibility".

Admissions and Recruitment

A student with a disability must  submit an application for admission in the same way as all other students. After students have been accepted to FAU, if they wish accommodations due to a disability, they must complete and submit a separate application to register for services from SAS. The SAS is only involved in the admissions process on a consulting basis, which is initiated by the Special Admissions Counselor. 有关录取程序的问题,因为它涉及到书面残疾,应与FAU太阳城娱乐工作人员讨论.

FAU认识到有必要为残疾可能对其入学前要求产生不利影响的申请人提供特殊考虑. 为了申请特殊录取,学生需要提交有关残疾的文件和个人陈述,解释残疾如何影响入学前的要求.  当学生第一次向FAU提交入学申请或学生被拒绝入学后,可以要求特别考虑. This information will be taken into consideration within the following guidelines:

* Documentation regarding disability will need to be provided on a voluntary basis.

* All information will be kept confidential.

* Refusal to provide information will not subject applicant to adverse treatment.



What are Accommodations?

住宿是基于对个人残疾对学业成绩当前影响的分析而确定的支持服务. The purpose of accommodations is to provide students with disabilities the same access to education as their non-disabled peers. 学术住宿是根据学生的自我报告(在SAS申请和入学面试期间)确定的。, submitted documentation, evaluator's recommendations, and the counselor's knowledge, experience and training in the field of Disability Services.

Accommodations are, by necessity, highly individualized to the student. While some students may require classroom accommodations, such as volunteer notetaking assistance or audio recorded lectures, other students may require testing accommodations, such as extended time or exam in an isolated setting. Other types of accommodations might include assistive technology training or learning strategies training. The University does not need to provide attendants, individually prescribed devices, readers for personal use or study, or other devices or services of a personal nature.

SAS staff are recognized by the university as the individuals with knowledge, experience and training in Disability Services to determine appropriate accommodations. Professors appropriately notified of approved accommodations must provide them to the SAS student.


Essential Degree Requirements

Accommodations are necessary for ensuring complete access to, and full participation in, the education process. Academic standards are not to be lowered, nor should there be an alteration in the essential nature of the degree requirements. FAU utilizes a procedure to determine whether an academic requirement is an essential degree requirement. This procedure provides that a group of trained, knowledgeable, and experienced people engage in rational review and convene, as necessary, 审查项目及其要求,并考虑是否存在有效的替代方案,使残疾学生能够在不放弃或降低基本要求或从根本上改变项目性质的情况下参与项目.

Questions relating to academic accommodations for students with disabilities are to be directed to Student Accessibility Services, Room 133, Student Support Services, (561) 297-3880, TDD 711.


Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA)

The ADAAA prohibits discrimination, based on disability, by public entities (including SUS institutions), in places of public accommodation (including private and public colleges, and universities), and employment, in the provision of transportation and telecommunications. The ADAAA uses much the same language as used in Section 504 but expands its coverage.

Title I - Employment

State University System institutions, as employers of students, faculty and staff, may not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities, 并且必须为合格的申请人或雇员提供合理的便利,除非这样做会给大学带来不必要的困难.

Title II - Public Services

州立大学系统机构不得歧视合格的残疾人,不让他们参与或拒绝他们获得服务, programs or activities of the university.

Title III - Public Accommodations

State University System facilities open to the public, including student unions, museums, athletic arenas, auditoriums, libraries, recreational facilities, etc. must be accessible to individuals with disabilities. Efforts must be made to make these facilities accessible to, and usable by, individuals with disabilities when it is readily achievable.

Title IV- Telecommunications

ADAAA要求电话公司提供连续的语音传输中继服务,使听力和语言受损的人能够通过电传打字机(也称为聋人电信设备)进行电话交流。. Title IV also requires federally funded public service messages on television to be closed-captioned for the hearing-impaired.


Section 508

Section 508 requires that Federal agencies' electronic and information technology is accessible to people with disabilities. The Center for Information Technology Accommodation (CITA), in the U.S. General Services Administration's Office of Government wide Policy, 负责教育联邦雇员和建立必要的基础设施以支持508条款的实施. Using this web site, Federal employees and the public can access resources for understanding and implementing the requirements of Section 508.


Student Appeals and Discrimination Complaints

The University desires that supervisors, students, and employees make every reasonable effort to resolve problems informally, at the lowest administrative level, as they arise.  While SAS can act as an advocate at the request of the student at any point during the resolution process, when a student’s problem cannot be resolved at the lowest level, there is a chain of authority that the student should follow.

The protocol to appeal an SAS Consultants decision is: Associate Director, SAS Director and Assistant Vice-President of Student Affairs, who will review in-person with the applicant.

建议的权力链协议,学生应该寻求补救与教授的情况是:教授, the department chairperson, the Dean of the College, and the Provost.

投诉涉及歧视或骚扰的学生可以向FAU的公平包容和合规办公室(EIC)提交文件。. 如果学生觉得自己的投诉在学校最高层得不到解决,可以向民权办公室(OCR)提出投诉。.