Faculty Profiles

Ken Dion, ESQ


Kenneth B. Dion, J.D., Esq. teaches the LSAT course. He is a sole practitioner representing clients in Criminal Law, Traffic Law, Contract Law, Immigration Law, Personal Injury Law and Corporate Law in West Palm Beach. 他曾在棕榈滩县公设辩护律师办公室担任助理公设辩护律师. He earned his J.萨福克大学法学院博士,波士顿学院文学学士. Ken also teaches in the Legal Studies Department here at FAU.

profile of Test prep teacher


Ian L. Hood, J.D., Esq. is FAU Test Preparation's instructor trainer and teaches the LSAT, the FTCE math course, and the quantitative and verbal portions of the GMAT and the GRE. He has a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration and a J.D from the University of Florida. Although he has an extensive finance and human resources background, 他对教育充满热情,已经教了23年的备考课程.

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Jamonique Harrison, Ph.D. teaches quantitative and verbal portions of the SAT, GRE, ACT, and FTCE. She has a Master's degree in Educational Leadership and a Ph.D. in Higher Education Leadership at Florida Atlantic University. Dr. 哈里森在教育领域有超过10年的经验,她之前曾担任顾问, teacher and graduate assistant. Jamonique对学生的成功充满热情,并努力确保她的所有学生掌握能够提高他们考试成绩的策略.             



Zsuzsa Pusztai, MBA teaches the quantitative sections of the GRE, GMAT & SAT courses. Zsuzsa拥有太阳城在线娱乐工商管理硕士学位, 她目前正在攻读信息技术和运营管理的第二个硕士学位. 在继续在信息技术和运营管理部门教授课程之前,Zsuzsa曾担任FAU商学院高管教育部门工商管理硕士课程协调员. 她热衷于与学生一起工作,帮助他们实现学业目标.

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Tareq Vurdubakis, M.S. teaches the Quantitative section of the GRE. 他拥有太阳城在线娱乐应用数学和统计学硕士学位. 他曾在FAU担任兼职教授,并对教学充满热情. His students find his style to be engaging and fun.


Brittany Bonadio teaches the quantitative sections of the GRE and the GMAT. 布列塔尼毕业于太阳城娱乐,获得数学学士学位. 她曾在棕榈滩县教授代数2荣誉和AP微积分BC, and has been working with studetns in various math subjects for several years. She currently works in accounting.

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Christine Kassover, M.A. teaches the verbal portion of the SAT and GMAT. 她获得了FAU的人文学士学位和迈阿密大学的传播学硕士学位. Committed to FAU, 她曾担任两届FAU全国校友会主席,也是猫头鹰议会的创始成员. Christine在FAU担任成人第二语言英语教师和导师已有10多年的经验, Palm Beach State College and Boca Raton Community High School. 她持有美国大学理事会和美国大学阅读与学习协会颁发的培训证书. 她最大的满足感是简化她的学生的语言,以提高他们的信心水平,成为强大的沟通者在他们的生活的各个方面.

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Cody Majewski, M.S. teaches the Quantitative section of the SAT anf GRE. He has a Master's in Educational Leadership. 

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David Sanabria teaches verbal for the SAT course. 他拥有佛罗里达国际大学传播学学士学位. 他的经历包括7年的小学、中学和成人英语教学. 他还教中学生科学,辅导学生一对一的数学和阅读. 他的大部分经验都集中在帮助学生提高英语技能,以通过包括GED在内的考试.

Baptiste Pic

Olivianne Jean-Baptiste teaches the quantitative and verbal sections of the ACT, SAT, and GK courses. 她是一名国家认证的教育工作者,在中学和大学教学数学和科学方面有近15年的经验. Her teaching approach is rooted in conceptual learning, 在那里,她引导学生将代数的抽象原理与现实世界的应用联系起来. Throughout her career, 奥利维亚发现,学生通过积极解决问题和注重概念理解,在数学方面表现出色. With a passion for breaking down complex topics, 她帮助她的学生掌握解决问题的策略,同时建立解决具有挑战性问题所需的数学熟练程度. Olivianne is known for her ability to explain topics from multiple perspectives, reducing anxiety and building confidence level. 她的最终目标是支持学生在学业上取得成功.


Samar Khayat, M.A. teaches the quantitative sections of the GRE course. 她拥有贝鲁特美国大学的计算机科学学士学位和经济学硕士学位. Samar has more than 10 years of working experience as a university instructor, teaching Economics, Management Information systems and Business computing. 她最热衷于帮助他人,鼓励学生成功.


MCAT Instructors

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Joshua Disatham , Ph.D. teaches the Biochemistry portion of the MCAT. He earned his Ph.D. in Inte grative Biology-Biomedical Science from Florida Atlantic University. His current areas of research include transcriptional biology, gene regulation, lens development and differentiation, bioinformatics and multiomics analysis.


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Kris Dougherty, Ph.D. teaches the Biology portion of the MCAT. She obtained her B.S. 获得普渡大学荣誉生物学学位,并以优异成绩毕业.D. in Molecular Biology and Human Genetics from Johns Hopkins University. 她的研究兴趣是基于了解垂体功能障碍的分子基础.


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Jamonique Harrison, Ph.D. teaches the CARS portion of the MCAT. She has a Master's degree in Educational Leadership and a Ph.D. in Higher Education Leadership at Florida Atlantic University. Dr. Harrison has over 10 years’ experience in the education field, and she has previously worked as an advisor, teacher and graduate assistant. Jamonique对学生的成功充满热情,并努力确保她的所有学生掌握能够提高他们考试成绩的策略.


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James Jakubow, Ph.D. teaches the Behavioral Sciences portion of the MCAT. 自MCAT考试开始以来,他一直在教授行为科学评论部分,对这些材料非常熟悉. He has a Ph.D. in Learning Processes from City University of New York. In his research career, he has conducted research on the neuropharmacology of epilepsy, feeding, and drug tolerance. Currently, 他正在使用理论/数学方法来改进现有的学习和记忆模型.


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Stephen Locke, Ph.D. teaches the Quantitative portion of the MCAT. He has a Ph.D. in Combinatorics and Optimization. At FAU, he is a Professor of Mathematical Sciences, has served two terms as Chair of the Mathematical Sciences department, and has been on the Pre-Health Professions Committee for about twenty years. 他的研究领域是图论和组合博弈论.


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Linda Marenus, M.S. teaches the Chemistry/Organic Chemistry portions of the MCAT. She earned her M.S. in Organic Chemistry from the University of California, 他在制药行业有超过25年的工作经验,并在大学和中学教授化学. Linda has performed pharmaceutical research, wrote the chemical reactions within drug patents, served as the manager of medical publications.

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Korey Sorge, Ph.D. teaches the Physics portion of the MCAT. He has a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Tennessee. 自2005年秋季以来,他一直在FAU担任物理系教授和本科顾问. 他的研究领域是实验磁学和磁性材料(主要是用于硬盘技术的外来材料)。.