
国外的教育 provides advising and support services to FAU employees interested in offering an FAU credit-bearing course with a 1-8 week international travel component--also known as 一个教师主导的项目.  The University has a robust development and approval process for 教师, 工作人员, 兼职教授, and administrators leading 学生 abroad on an academic program. 与全球参与中心合作, 学术事务, 总法律顾问, 和其他FAU部门, 国外的教育 continues to strengthening policies and procedures to prepare all University travelers for the exciting and complex landscape of international travel abroad. 国外的教育 works closley with FAU's Global Travel 安全 and Security Subcommittee to evaluate program destinations and ensure that we have considered and prepared for safety and 安全 of 学生, 教师, 以及海外员工. 

Meet with our team to brainstorm and discuss the many possibilities for adding an international component to your academic course!  大学与其他学校有合作关系, 组织, 和世界各地的供应商, and our team supports 教师 leaders and departments from start to finish. 与最佳实践和政策保持一致, we work with vendors/third-party providers that can offer a wide range of programmatic services which include but is not limited to housing abroad, 当地交通通行证, 教室空间(如有需要), 活动, 远足, 组餐, 和更多的. 国外的教育 can assist with identifying a vendor that best meets the needs for a proposed program. All new vendors must be approved by 国外的教育 prior to developing a program. 


  • 程序开发
  • 预算和财务
  • 安全 & 安全
  • 招聘及市场推广

2024 - 2025年出国学习

New and returning prospective leaders should meet with 国外的教育 Director, Madison McShane at least 10 business days prior to submitting a proposal to discuss guidelines, 最佳实践, 并收到您唯一的提案提交链接. 预约请联系麦迪逊,电话是 mmcshane@bj7dian.com

你需要帮助开始吗? 点击此处获取指南!




- 最后 submission deadline for any spring proposed program dates. 



  • 2024年8月11日星期日 -强烈鼓励新项目这样做, 五月开学的课程, or programs to destinations that are Level 3 or 4 on the USDOS Travel Advisory. Proposals submitted by this date will be moved through the review process first and will be prioritized for early marketing if approved.


  • 周日,2024年9月8日 - Anyone wishing to submit a proposal for 2024 - 2025 must do so by this deadline. 


1. 读了 出国留学项目教师领导手册 开始之前
2. 建议应用程序 和签名
3. Program expense document, quote from international program provider or university provider abroad - 点击这里 考虑费用
4. 如果有基本的行程草稿 
5. 安全 & 保安计划表格

6. 签名页 《太阳城娱乐》
7. Clear color copy of the biographical page of valid passport (this can be submitted later if needed)
8. 项目负责人紧急、健康和报销表
9. 家人及朋友披露表格
10. 家人及朋友免责及承担风险表格


A unique submission link will be generated for each proposal and supporting documents. 联系麦迪逊·麦克沙恩 mmcshane@bj7dian.com to recieve your unique submission link to upload your proposal application and supporting documents. 


在审查过程完成后, approved programs will require submission of additional documents which include: 

  • 最后 项目预算 reviewed and approved by 国外的教育 and Program Leaders - required prior to marketing the program to 学生
  • Tentative syllabus for program course offerings - required prior to marketing the program to 学生
  • 更新的计划行程-所需费用. 课程开始前4-6周
  • Program Leader(s) Flight Itinerary and receipt **DO NOT purchase until 国外的教育 gives you permission after the student roster is confirmed**

提案审核流程 & 时间轴

审查程序: 提交的材料将由海外教育审查, 全球参与中心, 以及教务处. The required proposal documents and program destination(s) are carefully reviewed to evaluate safety, 安全, 可访问性, 多样性, 和负担能力. 在整个审查过程中, 国外的教育 may request additional information or meetings with 教师 leaders and 工作人员 regarding the program. 通过提交提案,不能保证获得批准. 

风险评估: 旅游目的地是由美国政府确定的.S. Department of State Travel Advisory as a Level 3 or a Level 4 must be reviewed by the FAU Global 安全 and Security Subcommittee (GTSSS). FAU的全球旅行政策可以在这里找到. Program destinations that meet this parameter will be automatically sent to GTSSS for further review by 国外的教育. GTSSS may request additional documents or approvals for further consideration. 这可能会影响提案决策时间表. FAU reserves the right to suspend travel to any destination when world conditions alter the safety and 安全 assessment of the country or region, 学生旅行可能会影响身体健康, 精神, 以及旅行者的情绪健康. 

决定时间表: 国外的教育 will make every effort to provide a decision on a proposal submission by the first week of October. Please note a decision may be provided for some submissions earlier and some may receive a decision later depending on the program.

营销时间轴: 国外的教育 will make every effort to have programs ready to market and applications open to 学生 by November 1 in order to have them ready to market at the annual fall study abroad fair. Please note that program leaders are strongly encouraged to host a table at the study abroad fair. 在审查建议书后,将提供更多信息. 

学生申请截止日期: 对于大多数暑期教师主导的项目, the student application for study abroad deadline is early February. The required deadline may be earlier or later depending on the program and various factors such as international housing payment deadlines 和更多的. 
