Aquaculture Innovation

Aquaculture Innovation and Food Security

Feeding the Future

aquaculture innovation

More than 50% of the seafood we eat comes from aquaculture, but less than 1% is produced in 美国nited States. Global demand for seafood is expected to double over the next 40 years. From seaweed to fish, FAU Harbor Branch research has advanced aquaculture in Florida, 美国nited States and internationally. 我们的工作旨在提供水产养殖企业所需的研究和技术进步, allowing them to prosper and increase the supply of nutritious, safe and high-quality domestic seafood.

From seaweed to fish, 太阳城在线娱乐(FAU)海港分所海洋学研究所在推进佛罗里达州水产养殖方面处于领先地位, 通过世界上运行时间最长的项目之一在美国和国际上传播.


FAU港口分部相信未来人们可以在不牺牲海洋生态系统健康的情况下负责任地养殖海产品. To achieve this vision, our multi-institutional, multidisciplinary team includes fish culturists, nutrition researchers, developmental biologists, phycologists, microbiologists, physiologists, geneticists, mathematicians and engineers. With more than 40 years of research activity, FAU Harbor Branch scientists collaborate with academia, government, private sector, 非营利机构和基金会,以养活世界和补充枯竭的自然鱼类资源.

It’s critically important that 美国.S. gets good at developing aquaculture in 美国.S., and we are going to help with that enormously at Harbor Branch. It’s a part of our strategic plan.”

Jim Sullivan, Ph.D.
FAU Harbor Branch
Executive Director


The Issue

从过度捕捞、污染到海洋变暖,海洋面临着前所未有的威胁. With declining wild fish stocks, 到2050年,世界人口预计将达到100亿,对海鲜的需求也在不断增加, aquaculture is the world’s fastest growing food sector—and it’s only going to continue to increase. 在保护世界渔业的同时,寻找解决粮食需求的办法从未像现在这样关键.

It's imperative that 美国.S. increases aquaculture production for the well-being and food security of our citizens.

  • 50% of the seafood we eat comes from aquaculture
  • 美国.S. has the 5th highest seafood consumption in the world
  • Seafood is an important and the primary source of protein for nearly 1 billon people
  • 1% of seafood is produced in 美国.S.
  • This is leading to a trade deficit of $14.9 billion

aquaculture innovationFAU Harbor Branch Taking Action

FAU港科科学家专注于安全的可持续生产, high-quality domestic seafood, engineering and system design, 以及提高农场养殖产品的健康和营养价值. 我们研究的优势在于我们系统的多样性和我们为农业研究的几十个物种, 这将最终帮助我们保护环境和支持可负担的可用性, nutrient-rich seafood to U.S. citizens.


Sustainable Design

提高陆上设计的效率,减少对环境造成的废物, 我们使用生态友好的淡水和盐水循环技术来供应和处理我们的孵化场的水, nurseries, grow-out areas, biosecure buildings, laboratories and classrooms. We’re developing innovative and novel feeds to produce healthier, more robust livestock, with increased yields, which reduces the environmental costs of aquaculture.

Food Security

To produce more aquaculture products in 美国.S. 为了确保未来的粮食需求,FAU港口分部与美国农业部合作.S. 美国农业部农业研究服务处(USDA-ARS)开展了一项独一无二的合作,重点研究有利于国内温水海洋鱼类水产养殖的研究, with an initial focus on highly valued species, including Florida pompano, red drum and amberjacks.

Restore and Replenish

In addition to growing fish for consumption, FAU海港分部通过研究重要海洋生物如骨鱼的生物学和生态学,旨在保护和养护海洋, 海草, 红鼓和皇后海螺支持健康的生态系统,促进当地经济.

Our Outcomes

  • 通过开发可持续设计,减少浪费,同时保持商业效率,减少水产养殖对环境的影响
  • 通过新型饲料增加牲畜的营养、健康和产量
  • 通过发展国内品种的水产养殖来保障未来的粮食安全
  • 通过增加我们对重要的娱乐和商业渔业的生物学和生态学的知识,支持保护工作和当地社区

This program uses innovative, 创新思维,推进现代水产养殖和保护研究, 随着人口不断增长,Giving有限的海洋资源带来更大的压力,哪个是必不可少的.”

Adams Aaron, Ph.D.
FAU Harbor Branch
Senior Scientist

How You Can Help

With your help, 我们可以解决未来最紧迫的问题之一——在美国发展可持续的水产养殖生产.S. With your support, 我们可以进一步开展研究工作,提高我们对水产养殖的认识和理解,以满足美国的需求.S. 而不牺牲我们海洋环境的健康.

Why Give Today?

太阳城在线娱乐海港分校海洋学研究所正在迅速发展. 现在是时候通过私人慈善支持来扩大我们的影响. 该研究所正在增加对核心项目的资助,这些项目将对佛罗里达州及其他地区的关键海洋问题产生重大而及时的影响. FAU Harbor Branch has strong partnerships with government officials, 国防部和世界各地领先的研究机构. 这些关键的联系和伙伴关系确保我们向决策者通报科学以及如何最终减轻对海洋和沿海环境的影响.

Make a Gift Today!

FAU港口养殖处在美国水产养殖发展的前沿.S., and we think the world as well. And we’re going to continue to be in that space in the future.”

Paul Wills, Ph.D.
FAU Harbor Branch
研究 Professor, Associate
Director for 研究

Additional 信息rmation
太阳城在线娱乐海港分部海洋学研究所通过海洋探索游客中心和海洋科学系列讲座与社区合作. 海港分部的研究和推广项目将海洋科学转化为改善沿海社区经济和生活质量的解决方案.
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Florida Atlantic University
5600 US 1 North
Fort Pierce, FL 34946